Wednesday, May 6, 2009

(TECH4102): Course Portfolio

1. Evaluation in educational technology


2. Levels and techniques of evaluation in educational technology


3. Models of evaluation in educational technology


4. Evaluation strategies


5. Evaluation of CAI


6-Evaluation of online learning


7. Comparative and non-comparative evaluation in educational technology


7. Comparative and non-comparative evaluation in educational technology

First study :-
Non comparative study :
Technology-based science classroom : What factors facilitate learning? Authors: Rohaida Mohd. Saat , Kamariah Abu Bakar Journal :- Journal Pendidik dan Pendidikan, Jil. 20, 1–19, 2005 •

Second study:-
Comparative study:-
Comparing online and mail survey research methods in longitudinal research Authors:- Orland Hoeber, Erwin Karreman, Harold Riemer, Larena Hoeber Study from: . _____________________________________________________

The Purpose of the first study was to explore the use of specifically designed web-based instructional materials in teaching these science process skills, particularly the skill of controlling variables. Where The Purpose second study research comparing the effectiveness of online and more traditional survey .


In the first study the participants comprised of 19 fifth grade students: 11 girls and 8 boys of middle class socioeconomic background.They were chosen based on purposive or purposeful sampling .The study was conducted in the school's computer laboratory.The students were divided into groups of two's and three's. There were a total of seven groups.

Three of these groups had a computer each, while the other four groups had to share computers. Audio recorders were placed at each of the groups . The study utilized a specially designed WBI material, Science Process Skills in Scientific Exploration (SPicE), a prototype version and focused only on the skill of controlling variables .

On the other hand , second study the basis for this comparison comes from an ongoing longitudinal study involving youth hockey players and their parent (s). During the recruitment phase, the parents were contacted via the telephone or mail and invited to participate. Those who agreed were given the option of participating via mail or online using identical in content questionnaires consisting of 109 items investigating psychological and hockey related issues.

Results :-
The result of the first study is : The analyses revealed four factors influencing students' acquisition of science process skills. The four factors identified have facilitated as well as inhibited the students' acquisition of the science process skills. The factors are: (1) design features of the WBI, (2) physical setting of the computer laboratory, (3) role of the teacher, and (4) students' readiness.

On the other hand the result of second study is: more traditional methods of interfacing with participants (i.e., mail, telephone, etc.) are time consuming and expensive, also they appear to be more effective in encouraging people to begin or continue participation. the online questionnaires have a clear benefit in cost and effort but structure restricts the participants from providing further explanations of their responses.
There are benefit to using online methods when the number of participants , is sufficiently large or for longitudinal studies.

Disadvantage :-
•Disadvantage of the first study the number of participants is not suitable they need more that 30 student to find out the factors that influence learning in a web-based learning environment.

•Disadvantage of the second study They using a lot of questionnaires items investigating psychological and hockey so that make participants feel boring and may don't complete the questionnaires .

References :-

Non comparative … 5-4-2009

comparative … 4-4-2009

6-Evaluation of online learning

overview :-

Weblog or blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual.( Forster and Tam (2006))Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author afford immediate-ness, global-ness, connected-ness and engaged-ness for bloggers. They explain immediate-ness as blog postings are available to readers on the weblog as soon as they are posted.

Global-ness of blogging means bloggers are cognizant that their postings will be accessible world wide. Weblogs, as with all websites, can link to, or be linked to from any other weblog or website on the Internet and that is the feature of connected-ness. Also another term engaged-ness as the affordance of weblogs that invites interaction between the writer and the reader.

screen shot :-

The aim of this study :-

This study aims to find out if using blogs as interaction tools for learning process a mange of courses .Can blog be effective tool for interaction between student during the course .

Problem of this study :-

Recently there are a lot of courses that depend in the interaction between students to exchange the knowledge and new idea so some course use the bloggers for interaction .


The participants are the under graduate students of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education program who study the course that using blog as interaction tool .we make survey to find out If the blog can be used as interaction tool between students .

Instruments :-
—We use survey as instrument which consist of 12 questions to collect the information or result and we upload it in Survey Console
—Survey Link:

Findings and Discussion:-

The comments for 12 questions posed are analyzed through quantitative techniques.
Students’ opinions and reviews about bloggers are analyzed through questions analysis.

Question 1: Can you access in any time to the blog?
Among 12 responses posted for this question and all of them (100%) emphasized that they can access in any time to their blogger.
From these results we can estimate that the blogger is accessible.

Question 2: Can you move easy between the blogs and responses?
Among 12 responses posted for this question about half of them (55%) agreed that the transition between blogger and responses is easy, and the others (45%) do not agreed.
From these results we can estimate that the blogger need more development to exceed the obstacles that faced the students in transition between responses and blogs.

Question 3: Can you find you useful information from your friend’s responses?
Among 12 responses posted for this question about (70%) of the responses agreed that the bloggers provide useful information from user responses .but about (20%) do not agree. also, (10%) say that is not applicable.
From these results we can find that the blogger can provide useful information from the blogs response and can be as resource for some topic from the student participation.

Question 4: Dose the blog support graphic and videos?
The responses posted for this question about (60%) of them agreed that the blogger support graphic and videos but the other (40%) said that was not applicable
As we see in this result we can say the blogger support graphic and videos so blogger help student to express them self by image or videos also that make the student understand the topic or the concepts in easy way

Question 5: Dose it promote cross-cultural commutation among people?
Among 12 responses posted for this question about (73%) of them agreed that the blogger promote cross-cultural among people however (9%) do not agreed .moreover about (18%) of them said that was not applicable.
From these result we can say that the blog has cross-cultural commutation among people and can blog be as tool for exchange the idea.

Question6: Dose it quickly load?
Among 12 responses posted for this question about (50%) of them agreed that the blogger loud quickly but the other (50%) do not.
As we see in this result some users have some difficulties to loud the blog .so it is difficult to the users who have low speed connection to blog some topic or responses .

Question7: Are the sidebars useful in navigation?
Among 12 responses posted for this question about (90%) of them agreed that the blogger sidebars are useful but the other (10%) said that was not applicable.
From this result we can conclude is the blogger have good navigation control .

Question8: Is the blogger content readable?
Among the responses posted for this question about (50%) of them agreed that the blogger content but the other (25%) said that was not applicable and disagreed
From this result we can estimate that the blogger content can be read by the learner and they can extract the information from it.

Question9: Are you comfortable to the treated style that blog provide it?
Among the responses posted for this question about (73%) of them agreed that the treated style of the blogger are comfortable but the other(27%) said that was disagreed .
From this result we find that treated style is best style for the learner to sort the comment of the one topic .

Question10: Is it easy to interact with your friends in the course which use blog as learning tool
Among the responses posted for this question about (25%) of them agreed that the blogger can provide interaction with your friends in the course which use blog as learning tool but the other(25%) said that was disagreed .moreover (50%) said not applicable .
From this result we can say that the blogger don’t provides good toll for interaction between the friends in the same course.

Question11: Is it easy to interact with teacher (asking question….) in the course which uses blog as learning tool?
Among the responses posted for this question about (54%) of them disagreed that the blogger can provide interaction with teacher but the other(36%) said that was agreed .whereas (9%) said that not applicable . from this result we find that the blog can’t provide interaction with between teacher and students .

Question12: Blog is a good tool to use it in the course as interaction tool
Among the responses posted for this question about (75%) of them agreed that the blog can we used it as interaction tool but the other(25%) said that was disagreed .as we can see from this result we can conclude that the blog can we use it as interaction tool during learning tool .


From the results we can estimate
—that the blogger is accessible.
—the blogger can provide useful information from the blogs response and can be as resource for some topic from the student participation
—the blogger can provide useful information from the blogs response and can be as resource for some topic from the student participation.
—the blogger support graphic and videos so blogger help student to express them self by image or videos also that make the student understand the topic or the concepts in easy way.

Limitation :-

As we see in the result
—some users have some difficulties to loud the blog .so it is difficult to the users who have low speed connection to blog some topic or responses
—the blogger have good navigation control
—the blogger content can be read by the learner and they can extract the information from it.

References :-

*Forster, W.P. and Tam,T. (2006). Weblogs and Student-Centered Learning: Personal Experiences in MBA Teaching. Information Systems Education Journal, 4 (15). ISSN: 1545-679X.

*Eralp ALTUN*, Alev ATES**, Y. Deniz ARIKAN***, lker ÇOBANOGLU****, Tarık KISLA
Can We Use Weblogs As Learning Tools?
URL:- access in25-4-2009

*Niall Watts, IT Services, University College Dublin Measures of Learning Style in the Evaluation of Blogs as Reflective Learning Tools
URL: access in 15-4-2009

5. Evaluation of CAI

This survey that we make it Consist of two Dimensions which are technical and pedagogical aspect..This survey can be use it to evolutes interactional program also this survey cover most of instructional program features.

and we uploud it in Survey Console .......

Survey Link:

4. Evaluation strategies

We find the ISET surveys as instrument that use it in study to
revolute educational technology :-
" The Integrated Studies of Educational Technology:
A Formative Evaluation of the E-Rate Program"

The Integrated Studies of Educational Technology (ISET)

This is the procedure in how they apply this surveys in this study :-

ISET surveys conducted during school year 2000–2001, including a survey of
technology coordinator in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a survey of
technology coordinators in a national sample of 1,061 districts,11 a survey of principals in a sample of 1,106 schools within the sample of districts, and a survey of 1,750 teachers from a subsample of 473 schools. The state, district, and school surveys were
administered using a web-based system with paper completion as an option; the teacher survey used a paper questionnaire. Full-scale data collection—covering the 1999–2000 school year—ran from November 2000 through May 2001.

Also this surveys designed to fill specific gaps in knowledge about educational technology and schools. And we can use this surveys as instrument when you went to find out the gap between educational technology and real situation in school.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

2. Levels and techniques of evaluation in educational technology

Title : Improving pre-service teachers' visual literacy through Flickr.

Author: Alaa Sadik


There are two approaches:

-Scientific: to help them decode visuals through practicing analysis techniques, and interpreting and creating meaning from visual stimuli
-social: to help them encode visuals as a tool for communication and sharing of knowledge.

-Online tracking and observation: To assess the extent to which pre-service teachers are engaged in real decoding and encoding activities through the participation in Flickr,

-Visual Literacy Test: To assess whether pre-service teachers' visual literacy skills were enhanced via interpretation, development and sharing of photographs or not

-Interview: To solicit pre-service teachers’ concerns and views regarding the use of Flickr in enhancing their visual literacy

The level of this study :- is student level because
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact on
pre-service teachers' visual literacy skills when they take advantage of Flickr, an online photo hosting and sharing community.